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                                                   Gifts to the Troy Public Library

Gifts of Books and Audiovisual Materials

In accepting a gift of materials, the library reserves the privilege to decide whether donated items should be added to the collection. Of the many books and other materials citizens give, a considerable proportion can be used. However, some will not be added to the collection.
There are various reasons why an item might not be added to the collection. Some of those reasons are: it may be an item of which the library already has a sufficient number; it is outdated - interesting but not of sufficient current reference or circulating value to the library;
and/or it is in poor condition - which would not justify the expense of processing it, i.e., cataloging and preparing it for circulation.

The Troy Public Library accepts books and audiovisual materials as gifts with the understanding that those useful to the library collection
will be retained, and the remainder disposed of in whatever manner the Library Director deems best. The library necessarily reserves the right to interfile gifts with other collections on the same subject so that all collections are organized and classified according to library
standards for the best public service.

Gifts of Art Objects and Other Types of Materials

Although such gifts are usually welcomed and valued, final decision on their acceptance rests with the Library Director.

Other Gifts - e.g., Monetary

The library welcomes cash contributions, gifts of real property, and stocks and bonds. The library expends cash gifts on materials, equipment, or projects acceptable to the donor. Although unlikely, there maybe an occasion in which the restrictions set by the donor make it impossible for the library to accept the gift.

Recognition of Gifts

Bookplates are placed in/on books and other material formats, if possible, unless otherwise specified. Donors are provided with a letter or other appropriate form for tax purposes. Acknowledgments are sent to individuals whom donors wish to notify of the gift.

Use of Gifts

Gifts are accepted with the understanding that it may someday be necessary to sell or dispose of them in the best interest of the library. The library cannot commit to perpetually housing or retaining a gift.

Income Tax Statements

The library cannot appraise the value of any gift. The library will, however, issue the donor a letter acknowledging the gift. Gifts to the library as a governmental unit are tax deductible; however, the donor will be responsible for securing an appraisal if one is desired.


No gift can be accepted unless it is given to the library without restrictions or unless the Board of Trustees has specifically adopted an agreement to do so. Gifts are accepted only if in the opinions of the Library Director and Board of Trustees they are in the best interests of
the library. Gifts will be judged by the same standards of selection as those applied to the purchase of new materials. The Troy Public Library reserves the right to accept or decline gifts.

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